How much time will you have to work to make up for $306? Just 2 days!
Let's do the math.
Average MBB consultant
starting income (after taxes) is
$40K per year- Based on student reports and personal experience
- Supported by
Glassdoor data, after tax adjustments
Junior consultants typically
work ~3,230 hours per year
- Average number of work days in a year: 52 weeks * 5 days per week - vacation & public holidays (15 work days) = 245.
- Consultant's work days adjustment: roughly + half a day per week, meaning +10% per year.
- Average consultant's work day: 12 hours.
- Average consultant's work hours in a year 245 * 1.1. * 12 = 3,234.
Resulting hourly income (after taxes) is $40K / 3,230 hours ~
$12.5 per hour.
Hence the investment will
pay back in 306 / 12.5 ~ 24 hours ~
2 work days.THE REST OF YOUR CONSULTING CAREER IS YOUR NET GAIN.Maximizing it is up to you.